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Cathe Live Review: Toasted Trisets Upper Body (#196)

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Cathe Live: Toasted Trisets Upper Body

Cathe Live Review: Toasted Trisets Upper Body (#196)

Toasted Trisets Upper Body is a low rep, heavier weight strength workout using trisets of exercises to totally toast the upper body! Wow was this a tough workout and I loved it! The concept is three upper body exercises, for each body part, and these are then repeated three times. The workout finishes with a tough core triset.

With the right weights this is a really challenging workout. As you generally do only 8 reps of each exercise (except a few of the upper body moves, e.g. tricep dips and the core exercises where you generally do 10 reps) you are encouraged to go heavy. As Cathe says “the weight should be challenging as this is not a speed workout” (with the exception of the narrow grip chest press / bench press combo – these are fast - so choose your weight accordingly!) There are only very brief rests between exercises and slightly longer (but not long) rests between sets. You then do a short stretch of the worked body part before moving onto the next set. This class definitely moves quickly and although there is a lot of repetition I really didn’t feel it – the workout just flew by. The routine does a good job of working the whole body and as you do biceps and triceps first, they are already fatigued when they are needed as assisting muscles for the other body part groupings!

My heart rate was pretty elevated, throughout this workout, as you are working the muscles hard. Also there is somewhat of a metabolic / cardio effect as the work is compounded as you move through the workout. Cathe uses moderate to heavy weights and encourages you to use what works best for you. Cathe sometimes goes down on her weights with the later sets – I sometimes did the same and sometimes stayed at the same weight I started with. This will probably be a little bit of a guessing game the first time you do it but you will soon get an idea of what works best for you.

The workout ends with a really tough core section. I particularly found the last set of supine leg raises to be really hard and was counting down the reps for this one!

Overall, this was an absolutely excellent, tough upper body workout that really fried my upper body and one you will definitely be feeling the next day. If you are looking for a really good strength challenge then this workout is perfect – heavy up and feel the burn!

(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).

The Workout

Toasted Trisets Upper Body is a pure strength upper body workout that utilises trisets of exercises, for each body part, – biceps, triceps, back, chest and shoulders. The workout ends with a core triset on the floor. The strength exercises are generally done for 8-10 reps and Cathe and class use moderate to heavy weights.

What You Need to Know

What you need to know: Instructor: Cathe Friedrich. Length: 54 mins. Equipment needed:  5-15# dumbbells, full size step with 3 risers each side & a mat. (Optional: Lifting gloves)  Fun Factor: 3/5. Sweat Factor: 3/5. Coordination: 1/5

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).

The Moves

Toasted Trisets Upper Body is 54 minutes long and originally aired on 3rd May 2018 (#196). The workout starts with a three-part, 7 minute warm up. The first part is a non-weighted traditional Cathe warm-up then you pick up 5# dumbbells to mimic some of the upper body exercises. Finally you pick up 8# dumbbells and do more upper body moves. This includes some moves that you really start to feel, such as, 1 arm rows with two 8# dumbbells and plyo push-ups with hands on the step.

The workout starts with the step (with 3 risers each side) set up horizontally in front of you. The step is only used as a weight bench during this routine. If you don’t have a step you could do the moves, which use it, lying on the floor instead.

Triset 1 – Biceps – 8 reps each

  • Bicep curls – two 15# dumbbells (1st set), two 12# dbs (2nd set), two 10# dbs (3rd set. I used 12’s)

  • W curls two - 15# dumbbells (1st set), two 12# dbs (2nd set), two 10# dbs (3rd set. I used 12’s)

  • Hammer curls - two 15# dumbbells (1st set), two 12# dbs (2nd set), two 10# dbs (3rd set. I used 12’s)

Repeat above exercises two more times

Bicep Curls

Triset 2 – Triceps – 8 reps each (except dips)

  • Standing overhead tricep extensions – two 12# dumbbells

  • Lying tricep extensions – two 10# dumbbells & step

  • Dips – step - 3 sets of 24 reps

Repeat above exercises two more times

Overhead Tricep Extensions

Triset 3 – Back – 8 reps each

  • 1 arm row – two 15# dumbbells (I used 1x30)

  • Pullovers – two 15# dumbbells & step

  • Rear delt flys – two 12# dumbbells

Repeat above exercises two more times


Triset 4 – Chest – 8 reps each (except last exercise)

  • Chest flys – two 15# dumbbells & step (I used 20’s)

  • Pushups - mat

  • Close grip chest press & bench press combo (these are fast) – two 15# dumbbells & step – 1st set - 4 sets of 2x narrow grip & 2x bench press / 4 sets of singles. 2nd & 3rd set – 8 sets of single combo & 4x 2/2 narrow grip chest press

Repeat above exercises two more times


Triset 5 - Shoulders - 8 reps each

  • Standing overhead press – two 15# dumbbells (1st set), two 12# dbs (2nd & 3rd set). I stayed with 15’s.

  • Lateral raise – two 8# dumbbells

  • Front raise – one 15# dumbbell

Repeat above exercises two more times

Triset 6 – Core (move to the mat on the floor)

  • Monster walks (lying on back with arms straight out to sides, sit-up & lift one arm to opposite leg then back down & up to other side) – 10 reps

Monster Core Walks

  • Supine leg raises (lying on back, hold dumbbells in straight arms up to the ceiling & bring straight or bent legs (modification) up to hands. First into the middle & back out / into the one side & back out / in to middle & back out / into other side & back out – that’s one set) – two 5# dumbbells – 5 sets

  • Elbow plank rotating hip drops – 10 reps each side (alternating sides)

Repeat above exercises two more times

Elbow Plank

The workout ends with a well-deserved 4 minute cool down and stretch.

Take Action

Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE.

If you enjoyed this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Upper Body Core Crush - HERE.

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Enid M
Enid M
Jul 26, 2024

Loved this workout. Got a good sweat and the core section is good.


Apr 08, 2021

I really liked this workout: old school slow and heavy weight work. I liked the repetition-- it allowed me to get a burn set.

The core was tough and unusual.

My modifications: I had to drop my shoulder weights due to soreness in my left shoulder. I used 4s and 10

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