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Cathe Live Review: Cardio Hiit Plus Core (#262)

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Updated: Sep 1, 2019

Cathe Live: Cardio Hiit Plus Core

Cathe Live Review: Cardio Hiit Plus Core (#262)

Cardio Hiit Plus Core is a tough cardio workout with a short core section at the end. This was a seriously intense routine that really challenged me. I was breathing really hard in places and was completely soaked by the end!

The workout starts out with steady state cardio. This is a mixture of hi-lo cardio with a few lighter drills sprinkled in so it’s not all out and eases you into the workout nicely. All of the moves here are easy and straight forward so no complex choreography to worry about. I really enjoyed this section and it got my heart rate up nicely. You then get a quick water break before moving into the Hiit section.

The Hiit section consists of ten drills plus two more active recovery moves so twelve in total. This part of the workout was really tough and I had to push myself to finish all of the reps. The drills, in this section, are often done for longer than usual and you will definitely be feeling them! The moves are all plyometric type moves and quite a few are ones I dread the most – tuck jumps, suicides and burpees! So for me this definitely wasn’t a very fun workout but wow was it effective! You do get brief rests, in between the Hiits though, or an active recovery move so you have a chance to breathe a little - though not a lot.

Cathe did show a few modifications, in this routine, if you want to keep it lower impact or for example, if you didn’t want to do tuck jumps – she showed rear lunge touch downs instead. So you can take it down a level if you wish to. As always though, even if you are staying high impact – just do what you can do and that’s enough.

The routine ends with a short core section. Now the moves here, in themselves, are not too tough but because you are so fatigued already I was really struggling here. However, I wasn’t the only one – even Cathe was struggling. As she said “It’s almost so hard it’s comical!” I thought this summed it up well!

Overall, this is an intense, high impact cardio Hiit workout that will really challenge you. This is definitely one for a high energy day and one when you really want to push yourself. This is also a great travel workout, as you only need a few markers or you could easily do this with no equipment and just mimic picking up the dumbbells (as they are only used for two moves).

(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).

The Workout

Cardio Hiit Plus Core is a cardio hiit workout that ends with a short core section. The routine starts with steady state hi-lo cardio and then moves into a number of Hiit drills. The workout ends with a core section on the floor. Cathe used five markers for this workout (3 pound dumbbells).

What You Need to Know

What you need to know: Instructor: Cathe Friedrich. Length: 48 mins. Equipment needed: 5 Markers & a mat. Fun Factor: 2/5. Sweat Factor: 4/5. Coordination: 2/5

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).

The Moves

Cardio Hiit Plus Core is 48 minutes long and originally aired on 22nd August 2019 (#262). The workout starts with an active 9 minute warm-up before moving into the first hi-lo cardio section. If you are using markers, you will need to have them close by. For the hi-lo section many of the moves are repeated starting on the other side. Below are listed just the main moves you will be doing.

Hi-Lo Cardio & Drills

  • Jump rope

  • 2 Heels & single swings (hopping)

  • Jacks / scissors

  • Double hops / Run (with different arm patterns) / jacks

  • Shuffle, shuffle, drop

  • Grapevines / jump ropes / jumping side to side / jacks

  • 3 Speedbag shuffles to side & punch then hop back / side steps

  • 4 Scoops & slide back

  • Hot feet (like walking on hot coals!)

  • Jump rope / heels forward / insoles up / elbow to knee

  • 2 Knees up (hopping with arms up / speedbag arms)

  • Straight leg kicks (hopping)

Quick water break at 18:55 minutes


  • 4 Lateral hops – 5 markers

  • 4 Jacks / 4 air jacks / 4 jacks/ 4 squat jacks

  • Power scissors (slow & fast)

  • Suicides (run to one side collect db & run to other) – 4 markers

  • Hops & twists / twist travel / 4 jacks

  • 3 Jumps & tuck (or rear lunge touch downs) – 2 sets

  • Snowboards – 2 sets

  • Lateral skates / puddle jumpers – 3 markers

  • Fast feet / burpees

  • Shuffle, shuffle, drop (touching db at each end) – 2 markers

  • Grapevines

  • 4 Hops each side / 8 high knee runs

Quick cool down and stretch (at 35: 30 minutes). Then get mat out for Core.

Core (at 38:30 minutes)

  • Monster core walks

  • V-Ups (straight legs to straight arm & knees to elbow)

  • 1 Arm sit-ups (keeping one elbow anchored to the floor)

  • Triangle choke reverse lift (lying on back with one leg hooked behind the other lift up the hips)

  • Leg chasers

  • Wide knee swings (lying back with arms out / palms facing the sky, sit-up bringing one knee in and tapping side of hands (pinkies) together under the knee)

  • Elbow plank hold

1 Arm Situps

The workout ends with a 2 minute cool down and stretch.

Take Action

Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE.

If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Cathe’s Birthday Blast – HERE.

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댓글 1개

2021년 8월 10일

Not too strenuous. The steady state section was really a breeze-- fun and full of variety.

The Hiit section was fairly vigorous. Definitely sweaty and tiring.

Overall a great workout.

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