Cathe Live Review: Cardio Core Blast (#144)
Cardio Core Blast is an intense and varied cardio and core workout.
This workout is based on Cathe’s Cardio Core Circuit DVD and there is also one other Live version in the archive, also based on the DVD, – Cardio Core Circuit #42 (review HERE). All three are very different workouts but have the same basic format of 5 circuits of three cardio moves, which are then repeated, and finishing with one core move. The DVD version is definitely the toughest and is a really challenging workout. This one, like the other Live routine, is not quite as brutal and has much less of a dread factor for me.
This routine has its own unique spin, on the format, in that it uses different equipment within each circuit. So for each circuit, the first move uses a resistance loop, around the ankles, the second uses no equipment and is sometimes slightly lower intensity (not always though as you start with burpees!) and the third exercise always uses the stability ball. So overall you get lots of variety and work the body in different ways. The cardio moves are a mix of tougher and slightly easier moves so it is not completely all out all of the time. You do get tiny little breaks in between some of the moves but generally you are moving quite quickly from one thing to the next. For most of the cardio exercises you do several sets of the move each time so you will definitely be breathing harder but it is not the all-out intensity of the DVD.
The core moves are also cardio based and this helped to keep my heart rate elevated throughout the workout. Four of the core moves use the gliding devices and include mountain climbers and spiderman climbers so you will really be feeling these moves. They challenged my core nicely while keeping it more metabolic and I found this better than in the other Live version.
My only issue with this workout was that the warm-up felt a little short to me and then you jump straight into high impact cardio. This is slightly unusual for Cathe as for her Live workouts, unlike her DVDs, she often skimps on the cool down stretch but she usually gives you a good warm-up. However, this is easily fixed my doing a few more moves first to warm up before starting this routine.
Overall, this is a high energy and effective cardio and core workout that will challenge the body nicely.
(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).
The Workout
Cardio Core Blast is a cardio and core workout consisting of five rounds of three cardio moves, which are repeated, and one core move. Cathe used a medium tension resistance loop, a stability ball, two gliding devices and a mat for this routine.
What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
Cardio Core Blast is 53 minutes long and originally aired on 13thApril 2017 (#144). The workout starts with a 3:30 minute warm-up, before moving straight into the first cardio move using the resistance loop. You will need to ensure that your equipment is handy, as you will be moving quickly from one thing to the next.

Round 1
Jack forward, 2 regular jacks & 1 air jack – resistance loop – 12 sets
Burpees – 12 reps
Pendulums (while moving stability ball side to side - low, middle, high) – 3 sets
Jack forward, 2 regular jacks & 1 air jack – resistance loop – 8 sets
Burpees – 10 reps
Pendulums (while moving stability ball side to side - low, middle, high) – 4 sets
Core: Mountain climbers - two gliding devices – 26 reps & 32 reps
Round 2
Ice breakers – resistance loop – 2 sets of 32 reps
Long reaching lunges – 40 reps
Ball slams (squat jumps bouncing ball on ground) - stability ball – 16 reps, 16 reps & 8 reps
Ice breakers – resistance loop – 2 sets of 32 reps
Long reaching lunges – 40 reps
Ball slams (squat jumps bouncing ball on ground) - stability ball – 16 reps, 16 reps & 8 reps
Core: Plank jack & knees in under body / plank jack & pike in (straight legs) – two gliding devices– 16 sets
Round 3
Squat jump forward / back x3 & quarter turn jump – resistance loop – 4 sets & 4 sets
Bob & weave (low & high – with little hops) – 48 reps
Jog while tossing stability ball into air – stability ball
Squat jump forward / back x3 & quarter turn jump – resistance loop – 8 sets (fast)
Bob & weave (low & high – with little hops) – 52 reps
Jog while tossing stability ball into air – stability ball
Core: Spiderman climbers (feet to outside of elbows) – two gliding devices – 32 reps & 24 reps
Round 4
Plie jacks – resistance loop – 16 reps, 16 reps & 8 reps
Pivoting apple pickers – 16 reps & 24 reps
Shuffle side to side (arcing stability ball overhead & bouncing on ground) – stability ball – 24 reps
Plie jacks – resistance loop – 16 reps, 16 reps & 7 reps
Pivoting apple pickers – 24 reps & 24 reps
Shuffle side to side (arcing stability ball overhead & bouncing on ground) – stability ball – 20 reps
Core: Straight leg plank crossover slides (in plank, slide leg straight out to side then across underneath body to other side) – two gliding devices – 12 sets
Core: 2 plank jacks & 2 push ups – two gliding devices – 4 sets
Round 5
Touch down jacks & 2 jump ropes x4 / fast scissors x8 / jacks – resistance loop – 4 sets & 16x jacks
Grapevine & 6 power scissors – 8 sets
8 Ball jacks / ball heels forward x8 (sitting on stability ball) – stability ball – 3 sets
Touch down jacks & 2 jump ropes x4 / fast scissors x8 / jacks – resistance loop – 4 sets & 16x jacks
Grapevine & 6 power scissors – 6 sets
8 Ball jacks / ball heels forward x8 (sitting on stability ball) – stability ball – 3 sets
Core: Piston planks (in straight arm plank, push hips back & bringing 1 elbow to same side knee under body then push forward reaching same arm forward) – mat - 2 sets of 8 reps on each side
The workout ends with a 2:30 minute cool down and stretch.
Take Action
Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE.
If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Cardio Hiit Plus Core (#262) – HERE.
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Great Cardio workout. Got my cardio fix with this one. I made modifications Burpees - I did High knees (my balance for burpees was off) The Ball tosses were too high for my ceiling, I did not use the ball for that part. Some of the cardio I did in a step. Overall great cardio I was def sweating.
144 is tough-- at times kinda brutal. For pacing, round 3 felt the least strenuous of the 5. Overall, it was moderately LB strenuous due to the ongoing high impact moves. This is a high dread factor workout for me, personally.
My modifications:
I did the burpees, both sets, without impact.
I did not use the gliders because I'm klutzy with them. I modified or substituted the associated core moves. I did not, could not, wear the green loop for the 2nd set of cardio in round 5. It was too much. I skipped the 16 jumping jacks for both sets. Whew!
Best of luck.